Frequently Asked Questions

  • The National Institute of Mental Health describes it as such:

    “Eating disorders are serious, biologically influenced medical illnesses marked by severe disturbances to one’s eating behaviors. Although many people think about their health, weight or appearance from time to time, some people become fixated/obsessed with weight loss, body weight or shape, and controlling their food intake. These may be signs of an eating disorder

    Eating disorders are capable of affecting any person at any age, body weight, and gender. Common types of eating disorders include: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED), avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), and pica

  • Disordered eating sits on a spectrum between “normal eating” and an eating disorder and may include symptoms and behaviors of eating disorders, but to a lesser degree of severity.

    Disordered eating may include restrictive eating and skipping meals, compulsive or binge eating, avoiding a particular type of food (like carbohydrates), labeling foods as good or bad, using diet pills or other forms of purging and/or inflexible eating patterns

    Dieting is one of the most common forms of disordered eating.

    Disordered eating and diagnosable eating disorder behaviors exist along a continuum, and there can often be a fine line separating one from the other.

    Both will usually develop as an ineffective way of managing uncomfortable feelings.

    Both can cause distress and may require outside help in the form of therapy, nutrition therapy and/or medical monitoring for a person to fully heal.

    Both deserve attention and treatment!

  • Common signs of an eating disorder, whether for yourself or loved one include a preoccupation with weight loss (and the scale), food and body image.

    Sometimes “wanting to get healthy” can be a catalyst.

    Common eating behaviors are eating too little or too much, exercising excessively, following a strict diet plan with measuring, weighing and counting food, eliminating specific food groups (i.e., carbs), lying about hiding food or disordered food behaviors, disappearance of large amounts of food in a short period.

    According to the Alliance for Eating Disorders, certain characteristics can be tell-tale signs of an eating disorder.

    Here are the characteristics they describe:

    Having ritualistic eating habits, rigid rules around food that interfere with daily functioning

    Refusing to eat with others

    Exercising excessively (to burn calories) or using other methods to burn calories such as vomiting, laxatives, diet pills

    Obsessing over physical characteristics and having unrealistic body weight/size goals

    Hoarding food, hiding food or food wrappers

    Ignoring physical signs of hunger and fullness

    Poor self-esteem and insecurities about physical characteristics

    Physical symptoms related to food restriction or binge eating such as GI problems, fatigue and weakness, dizziness, dehydration, high or low blood pressure, dramatic weight fluctuations, joint pain, irregular periods, swelling of cheeks, constipation

    Extreme picky eating/food refusal that is not tied to body image concern

    If you recognize any of these common signs in yourself or a loved one, reach out for help.

  • The telltale signs of an eating disorder can often be hidden in plain sight with our kids! That’s because we see our kids on a daily basis so small changes in their food and activity patterns can be easily missed. Here are some important red flags that are unique to our kids and teens.

    Abnormal weight changes. Because childhood is an important time of growth and development, any changes to their weight can be a red flag. Kids AND teens should be gaining weight. If your child is not gaining weight or if they are actively losing weight (EVEN IF YOU THINK YOUR CHILD COULD “AFFORD TO LOSE WEIGHT”) this is a sign of changes in eating patterns that should be explored with your child (and possibly their doctor.) Children and teens in all size bodies can develop eating disorders.

    Avoiding family meals. If your child refuses to eat with the rest of the family and starts to shun their favorite foods it can indicate some anxiety around eating.

    Sudden interest in “healthy eating,” (and looking at recipes, cooking) as well as body image concerns. Dieting behavior in a child can be a precursor to disordered eating or eating disorders.

    Change in mood/demeanor. A child who is suffering with an eating disorder can become anxious or withdrawn and self-isolate.

    These are some possible signs that your child is struggling with their food and/or body image but it does not include every possible scenario. Do not be afraid to talk to your child and seek help from a medical professional, such as your pediatrician. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in helping your child to fully recover.

  • Overeating: Enjoying a delicious meal is one of life’s simple pleasures. Sometimes that restaurant or holiday meal tastes so good, it’s hard to stop eating, even if you’re feeling full. This is “overeating” and it doesn’t usually trigger feelings of guilt or shame. Overeating exists along a continuum of what we consider “normal” eating.

    Emotional Eating: Emotional eating is eating for reasons beyond physical hunger. For example, drowning our sorrows in ice cream after a tough break-up, or eating popcorn mindlessly on the sofa because we are bored.

    Binge Eating Disorder (BED): Binge Eating Disorder is much more than simply overeating or emotional eating. Read this blog to learn more.

    While this list is not exhaustive of all the questions that people have about eating disorders, it covers the most often asked questions we get as dietitians who specialize working with clients who have eating disorders, disordered eating and are in recovery as well. The most important thing to remember is that people can recover and learn to make peace with food and their body image.

  • The Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS) is a licensed therapist or medical provider who has completed high level training and exam assessment in the effective and collaborative treatment of feeding and eating disorders. The CEDS is well versed in medical, nutritional and therapeutic treatment considerations, adheres to a high level of professional ethics, and commits to ongoing expansion of their expertise through specialized continuing education hours.