All People Deserve a Peaceful Relationship with Food and their Body
My name is Elyssa Toomey. I am a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist and Supervisor (CEDS-S), Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) I specialize in helping clients heal from chronic dieting, disordered eating and eating disorders.
I believe that our bodies know what we need - we just need to get better at listening to our internal cues. Together, I can help you unlock that power, and help guide you to feeling your best!
I combine medical nutrition therapy with advanced training in eating disorders, intuitive eating and yoga. I believe in an integrative approach, blending evidenced based science and embodiment practices to help my clients recover and live full, meaningful lives.
Diet culture labels food as “good” and “bad”, reduces food to fuel and makes you believe it is something to be controlled. Alternatively, I believe food has no moral value. It provides our body with necessary energy and nutrition and it can also be a source of pleasure, comfort and connection. We are all born with the innate wisdom to know when, how much and what to eat. Whether you are struggling with an eating disorder, disordered eating, chronic dieting or just wanting relief from the incessant thoughts about food and your body, let me help you find food freedom. Choosing foods that serve your body, mind and soul is true nourishment.
Can you imagine enjoying a meal without a side order of guilt?
All bodies are good bodies Health at Every Size®
Can you imagine looking at your reflection with kindness rather than shame?
Since nutrition is just one part of your wellbeing, we’ll also discuss health-promoting behaviors related to joyful movement, sleep, stress management and more. Being a weight-inclusive provider means I believe all bodies are valuable and deserve respect.
Your worth is not your weight. While I do not promote weight loss services, we do unpack your weight concerns and hold space to grieve the “ideal” while working on developing a more peaceful relationship with your body. The relationship you have with your body is the longest relationship of your life. Developing trust through kindness and respect is achievable.
True health and healing are rooted in body liberation.
When was the last time you felt connected to your body?
The body holds innate wisdom. When we learn to be in connection with our thoughts, feelings and sensations, we align our behaviors with our values and with what serves us best. You can learn to trust what your body wants and needs. Tapping in to the subtle voice inside can help rebuild this relationship. Slow, steady, consistent connection rebuilds trust. True, body-based self care can be a gateway towards self compassion. Learn to move in honor of your body, rather from a place of disconnection, distrust or fear.
The only way through is through. Using a trauma-informed approach, I support my clients in developing the skills and tolerance to be in connection with their body.
“Elyssa showed me that recovery from my eating disorder is very real and possible. Her compassion and amazing ability to ask the right guiding questions made me so thoughtful and able to recognize the roots of my thoughts and actions. Her passion for the “anti-diet” approach to making peace with food granted me the ability to love food, and myself again.”
— Alex